GUEST SEASON, here we come!!!!
It's our last chance to get everything ready for the guest season, as guests are arriving in 7 days! We are starting to sweat around here, even though there is still some snow on the ground! Over the last 4 weeks, we've received LOTS of snow, have spent time plowing out- literally-, and even did a little sledding in the off time. Yesterday, we had 80 degrees and sunny, and today it's snowing again, almost like Christmas- big, fluffy flakes, but not too cold anyways! But-don't forget your jackets and gloves! If it gets too cold, we can always ride in the indoor arena, where we've been working on developing some exciting new activities to perfect your riding skills and have some friendly competition! Team penning, cattle sorting, horseback "motor skill" games, and don't forget "Cowboy School!" Even the Wranglers are going to take part in Cowboy School, we've gotta get brushed up on our skills too, we wouldn't want you guys to show us up! We've also been perfecting the morning "feeding routine." After recently switching over to feed bags, the horses have been extra responsive and are happy to see us coming with bags swinging off of our arms. The feed bags are so much more effective than feeding out of tubs or buckets. They keep the horses safe from getting tangled up, they can't fight or try to get into each other's buckets, no feed is spilled on the ground and it keeps the horses calm even after being fed- they just stand there and wait until we come by to take the bags off their heads! It's sort of a funny sight! We recently vaccinated all of our "play" cattle here on the ranch, getting our cattle doctoring skills up to date. Everyone participated in this fun day of vaccinating and doctoring the cattle, even Jake (our ranch manager) and Tom and Darcy! Only thing missing were the guests! We can't wait to see you all. The horses are tacked up, shoed up and ready to go! See you soon!!! Your Wranglers, Molly, Thomas and Isaac!

Thomas is holding a medicine dispensing "mechanism" for treating Lice in cattle. You pour the medicine over their backs once you get them in the chute.
Billy (cow on left) and Jake (on right)- Billy is getting his annual vaccinations and having a routine check with the vet to make sure he's "all good!"
From Left to Right, Jake, Tom, Darcy, Paul (in back), Amber (in front) and Thomas. Molly is missing (taking photograph!)
Sledding adventure....
Conclusion after sledding adventure: It's cold, icy and the hill is very big! Our sled was very fast! At the bottom of the hill, there was a 8' snow drift up against the lean to building, making it very easy to go head-first into the side of the building! Yikes! Watch out and bail off!!!
"Plowing out!"
(we really wanted Chinese Food in town!)
Need I explain our misery for 4 days with this photograph?
Coke, enjoying her breakfast out of the new feed bags! Aren't they great?!